Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack Cafferty had a question on his BLOG

Jack Cafferty had a question on his BLOG, 8-18-08, and my comments were not accepted?
I wonder why?

August 18, 2008
What are Russia’s intentions when it comes to Georgia?Posted: 04:55 PM ET

Would anyone like to comment on why you think the commnet below was not allowed on his Blog?


How in the world are the people, (Americans) of this country suppose to comment on this? Maybe the American Press should tone it down until they have the FACTS, listen to what the REAL International Reporters are stating and maybe inform the American people of our real interest…ENERGY!
Or maybe we can ask John McCAin’s Foreign policy Advisor//Lobbyist for more informative on Georgia! Maybe he can INFORM and EDUCATE us!
Maybe Russia will attempt to make a point to the US, but also not to be fooled like the American People have been fooled over and over and over by this Administration!
The Russians are by no means behaving as AMERICAN DEMOCRACY does, but HOW DO WE KNOW ANYTHING about the Russians, Soviets and all of their Communistic Cultures?
Really Jack? it is a known fact that we are illiterate with World Geography?
few more thoughts, Russia will cleanse South Ossetia of all Georgians.
Now the news is all about the NEW Missile Defense Treaty in Poland signed during this “Conflict”.
By the way, the Missile Defense this administration had as a goal PRE-9/11~REMEMBER!
The Missile Defense that Poland was having doubts about accepting. The Czechs rejected it, Remember/

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