Thursday, September 4, 2008


September 4, 2008

To set the record, I come from a family of ten children, and in a hospital bed, on my mother’s dying bed, unable to speak, she motioned for a paper and pen Her last wish was for all of us siblings to take care of our oldest sister, who is mentally retarded. I know what a special needs child does to the dynamic of a family. My mom voted for JFK.

When I travel outside of this country with my current passport, my third one issued, (one every TEN years) I am often asked why TWICE, TWICE, and this country and its IGNORANT, ANTI-INTELLECT people voted BUSH into office?

The McCain supporters are the majority of people that put BUSH into the White House for EIGHT YEARS! This intellect needs to be questioned.

Let us not forget the media took a beating for not asking enough or the right questions prior to the invasion of Iraq. I do not believe the media will be forgiven twice if they allow the same group of people that played the media to do it once again. They need to earn the forgiveness that the American people were so gracious to give and not only ASK the RIGHT questions in 2008, but get the ANSWERS to those questions prior to NOVEMEBER 2008!

OK! Now, let’s get a grip on the POW action!

This morning on C-Span, Michele Bachman, a state representative of Minnesota, was not aware of the fact that her newfound hero, Sarah Palin, collected $24 Million dollars of EARMARKS! She was informed of this fact by a call in AMERICAN HERO, a Korean Veteran from Iowa, who received a SILVER STAR. He informed her of this FACT of her newfound hero. He also commented on how the number of UNKNOWN POWS are not ‘bragging up’ their POW time and their service as John McCain does.

It is a fact that the education for the people in the United States of America has been on a FAST decline and still going, DOWN! How is it that the same party that voted Bush in twice will have nominated the man, John McCain, to lead their party, without any ability to use a computer? I have mentioned before, Osama Bin Laden knows how to use a computer. Asking that anti-intellect crowd if this is relevant might be too invasive? Is it sexist or maybe inflicting the AGE factor? How does this lead to the future as the Vice President nominee proclaimed he would do?

After last night’s DIV ISIVE speech, it was very clear that the McCain Party is not going to fool us with a UNITY ticket. For those of us that take advantage of the God Given gift of intelligence I could only hope that we will not go through EIGHT MORE YEARS OF THIS!

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