Poll: Is it time for Christians to redirect their efforts from politics mainly to the greater power inherent in the Kingdom of God? total: 10286 YES (82 %) N0 (18 %)
I prefer to remain hopeful with the notion "Justice for ALL" , around the world. I believe that education is the key to peace and justice.Too much of the small stuff is focused on in mainstream media opposed to the reality of life in a Global World.
The US educational system is declining in the world ranking.
Our Health Care System is a Market-Driven System and as usual, with humans, the superior animal on this planet, have not been monitored. Humans need to be monitored.
CORPORATE CONTROL,Greed,De-regulation of Humans, Our elected and appointed Politicians and CORRUPTION has allowed our country to get to this point of destruction! We need to remember that the founding fathers created this country by it's government "FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE" which has been transformed into a free-for-all.This is mycountry and the only country I can obtain a passport for, (legally anyway)thus I will try to do my part, as a citizen of my country to ensure it remains "We the people, for the people, by the people"!Just like our FOUNDERS intended it to be!
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